Sunday, July 26, 2009

As I posted several days ago, Blogger has launched new functional gadget that is recent comment, recent post, etc. But there's a little lack, because this new gadget by default only has black color, not suitable for dark template. We're still waiting for customizing tutorial.
Fortunately, blogger user have developed functional widget using javascript. Here's the list functional widget for Blogger that really you need.

1. Random Post Widget

This widget is developed by Bloggodown. Random posts widget displays random links of your blog post. This help show content that is neither recent nor popular. The widget displays links in form of link lists. So you can change the layout by changing the css of your blogger template. There are two options, random post list and random post with summary. This widget really easy to install. Just go to author site.

2. Recent Post with Thumbnail

This recent post with thumbnail widget is developed by Bloggertricks . Actually there are several way to show recent post, using RSS feeds, simply javascript, but this is really eye catching widget. Visitor can see thumbnail picture. Need some editing to make this widget display properly.

3. Total Count Post and Total Comment on Post Widget

This simple widget will show your total post and total comment. Maybe you want to showoff blog popularity through show how many post and how many comment. You can get this widget from Bloggodown

4. Related Post Widget

Related post widget really usefull to extend pageview of your blog. Placed under post and will show another post in same category. You can get this widget from Blogspottutorial.

5. Popular Post Widget

Popular post widget show link of most commented post. This widget is usefull as visitor reference which is most interesting post. Get this widget and installation setting on Bloggerstop

6. Recent Comments Widget

Recent Comment widget is helpfull to track newest comment, so you can response it quickly. Imagine if there's no recent comment widget, infact your visitor drop comment on your old post. Get this recent comments widget from bloggerstop

7. Top Commentator Widget

This widget show the most loyale visitor that always drop comment on your post. Show your gratefull by showing their link. Get this widget from bloggerstop

Any another suggestion for blogger widget list? Just drop your comment here


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